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- Aerial View of Diyagala Boys' Town.
Diyagala Boys' Town has been founded to assist in every manner and extent possible the underprivileged, handicapped, orphans, single-parent children, victims of war, and otherwise abandoned kids and youth of Sri Lanka.

- Our Lady of the Star Chapel.

John Baptist De La Salle, the founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and patron saint of teachers and as De La Salle Brothers mark their 150th anniversary (Sesquicentennial Year) of coming to Sri Lanka, we look at our 56 years of true Lasallian mission at Diyagala Boys’ Town, of “teaching minds, touching hearts and transforming lives” of the poor, the needy and the marginalized as a special response to the divine plan of salvation.

The boys of DBT choose a profession to be trained during their years here. The choices are : in the Technology – Lathe, Automobile, Welding and Electrical & Motor winding. The Workshops are fully equipped with adequate machinery and other equipments to facilitate a sound training. DBT has lands that contains large farms with poultry, ducks, turkeys and pigs and some plantation fields and crops field. This provides a sound training to the lads in farming.

This charitable institution has catered to students from many back grounds, irrespective of their community and ethnicity, to become productive and trustworthy citizens of the country. Like any other Lasallian institution, there is a strong commitment to equity, justice and right. DBT endeavor to inspire and empower every student to foster the overall development of the child. As a result of the vision and mission of the illustrious founder of the De La Salle Brothers – St. John Baptist De La Salle, countless number of children has received a sound human and Christian education. This institution has produced reputed and outstanding citizens to the country in various fields of life, through the holistic formation that has been given to them.

At the end of their four year training course, the DBT Certificates and NVQ Certificates are awarded to the trainees who Successfully completed their 4 year residential training at a special “Passing Out Ceremony”. We make sure all the trainees who successfully complete the Training programmer, get job opportunities in their Relevant fields. All round training imparted ensures ready employment where job opportunities are available, or self employment if the boys prefer to launch on their own.

-Entrance view.
“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”
- Mark Twian
Mark Twain
Diyagala Boys' Town,
Tewatta, Ragama,
Western Province, Sri Lanka
+94 11 2961410
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